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What Quality Does Lucrative Niches all have in common?

November 19, 2012

Well whenever you think about how these niches make money, think about what the common purpose why people use the internet. Everyday, millions or billions of people go online to search for new information that increases exponentially everyday of the year and years to come. Usually people make money online selling new, unique and useful information; for example, Ebooks. For example, people always look for information like how to lose weight, how to make money online and how to market your business for free. In the niches that involve information, the keyword is “how to”. It’s usually the “how to” category that’s one of the most attractive categories people want to click on all the time. YouTube is one big example on that category. Videos that involve “ How to’s” and tutorials that involve any niche such as cooking, technical skills( Video editing, writing articles, etc) and academics usually get at least 5000 hits or more- depending on the quality of the content. Here are some examples of profitable niches: weight loss, health/beauty, marketing tools and business skills. Overall, things that people want to know are what people want to but the most.


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